Ashland Oregon Councilman Stephen Jensen Honored by Cognitive Himpairment Society

If you asked the average person where the most cognitively himpaired males could be found, the answer might be Washington, D.C. Or Florida. Or Texas. Or Hollywood. All of those responses would be incorrect. Recently-published research has revealed that per square foot, the greatest concentration of addle-brained males is in fact in Ashland, Oregon. Here’s confirmation of that scientific finding. …Read more »

Help From On High: Hera Descends from the Heavens onto Ashland Oregon

Greek Goddess Hera–ruler of the heavens–and number two deity on Mt. Olympus (with number one being on an old white guy with a lighting bolt problem) makes a rare appearance on mortal ground: Ashland, Oregon. The reason: A nasty email sent by an Ashland City Councilman that accuses an Ashland citizen of invoking a racial slur. Hera is sick to death of idiot old-thinking buffoonish white guys (kinda like her husband Zeus) who think they are more powerful than they are. Here’s her response to yet another mess in Ashland, Oregon. …Read more »

Michael Cohen Raids Ashland Oregon for New Reality TV Show: America’s Sleaziest Politicians

Once upon a time sleazoid lawyer Michael Cohen would have done anything for his boss, President Golden Showers. But times have changed. That’s what prison will do for you. Michael now wants to finally rule his own life–be king of his own show–to show his old boss who is the new boss of Reality TV. No better place to look for sleazy contestants than in Ashland, Oregon’s City Hall. …Read more »