Rebuttal to Daily Tidings Editorial – Don’t believe everything you read in the newspaper

presents the

Ashlandia Gazette

All editorial   —   All social commentary   —   All for the common good

T.G. Buckley-Dockter – Founder; Publisher; Editor-in-Chief; Distribution Manager; Intrepid Reporter; IT Guy; Coffee Girl

MOTTO: We are dedicated to the proposition that all Ashlanders are created equal and

deserve to be treated equally and respectfully.

We believe you can fight City Hall and other B.S. (Bonehead Stuff).

Issue No. 9   March 21, 2018


My response to Gary Nelson’s editorial in the Ashland Daily Tidings on March 15, 2018:

You claim “the people have spoken, loud and clear, in two ways on the future of the city’s Senior Program” by a unanimous decision to adopt a 34-point plan of recommendations.

Of course it was unanimous. This group of BuBu’s in the City Council is incapable of independent thought; incapable of NOT going along with the crowd–like a gang of seventh graders. The only person who voted against the infamous 100 year plan–(Seriously? Will the U.S. as we know it even be the same by then?) for Lithia Park (to the tune of $230K) because the BuBu’s themselves couldn’t figure out what to do with Lithia Park–was Traci Darrow. And she jumped ship. Perhaps because it’s sinking? Ask Lemhouse and Karns what they think.

A 34-point plan for a Senior Center – Really? That’s because BuBuism is based on the erroneous belief that the greater the amount of paperwork involved the greater amount of success can be achieved. If that were true, CEO’s all over America would be slapping themselves up the sides of their heads saying, “Oh gosh, oh darn! If we only had 34 points to follow we would be sooo much more successful!”

Likewise, in Eternity, Thomas Jefferson and Steve Jobs are laughing.

“Heck, I only needed 7 Articles and 10 Amendments to form the whole United States of America!” Thomas Jefferson chuckled.

“Hell, I only needed one sentence to form the wealthiest company in America: ‘Think different,” Steve Jobs guffawed. “And by the way, I am smarter than Billy Gates.”

Your comment that the 34-point plan took 5 months of work by the committee (the ad hoc crock of poppycock folks to us) is what? Admirable? A kick-ass effort? Really? To google ‘best standards and practices’ took five months? Maybe producing gobs of paperwork does not correlate to gobs of intelligence?

It took Thomas Jefferson 17 days to write the Declaration of Independence. It’s shorter, more effective, and changed history. History will not remember a 34-point plan of anything. It’s overkill. It’s unworkable. It’s a waste of four and a half months.

But BuBu’s love that kind of fodder.

You said: “Despite a steady drumbeat of criticism by some Senior Center supporters…” What drumbeat? I never heard any drums playing? Or this an attempt by you to liken the YES on recall people to some kind of primitive tribe? We communicate by drums and not by newspaper articles?

Your conclusions are wonky regarding these areas:

The advisory committee Was formed as a cover-your-ass group to formulate a “vision” of a reorganized Senior Center to justify the firing of five employees AFTER they had been fired.

As far as expertise goes The fired employees have 72 years of experience among them–far more than the ad hoc crock. How can people with less experience know more about how to run a top-notch Senior Center than people with more experience? Because they google better?

In addition, replacing the five employees is more costly, causing a loss of services in other areas of the APRC to pay for the more expensive but less amount of employees. How is that an intelligent or fiscally-wise decision?

The listening sessions – You are dead wrong if you are assuming that citizens were made aware of all of them. Would you like to know who to contact to set the record straight?

The survey Was a debacle from the get-go. A list of emails from OLLI students residing in Ashland was hijacked by an OLLI volunteer without any permission whatsoever from OLLI or SOU officials to be used by the ad hoc crock. The survey asked overly personal questions involving income levels (the better to hit someone up for a loan?); whether living alone; having health problems; etc. Due to the ease of hacking private information online for nefarious purposes (check with Mark Zuckerberg) this survey put the financial status and safety of seniors at risk. Senior scams are widespread, costly, and dangerous. (See the front page of USA Today yesterday.)

I wrote to Allan Anderson, OLLI’s Council President, objecting to the theft of my email and then handing it over to a government agency. (Violation of the 4th Amendment?) Emails are private property. I hold OLLI complicit in this subterfuge; which was just an attempt for the ad hoc crock to give their bogus survey credibility.

The reason I call it bogus is the lack of qualifications of the persons who designed it and drew conclusions from it. What is their expertise and experience in this area? Are they graduates of the Pew Research School of Surveyology?

The first question about Seniors stating their gender was patently absurd:



____Decline to answer

____Other (please specify)

I asked Mr. Anderson what could possibly be the answer to “Other.” I asked him if the survey maker was trying to determine if there were some kind of odd humanoids existing in Ashland–like a half-aardvark, half-Minotaur person.

Did the survey maker think this type of person would be frequenting the Senior Center and might have different food requirements for the Meals on Wheels program? Might have trouble finding a dance partner for Swing Dancing?

Or did the survey maker want to know if a Senior was transgender. That is  nobody’s business. How can you trust the conclusions/recommendations from people who designed a survey like this?

Your second to the last paragraph – everything you mentioned was something that could have been done (and was being done) by the five fired employees. No Seniors were complaining. Quite the contrary, they were highly satisfied. Did you read a letter to the editor: “What is an elder worth?” by Theresa Greer? It was superb. She says that the APRC treated the Seniors as “inconsequential nonentities in Ashland’s presence.” My favorite sentence: “Our elder needs, as age now claims possession, are to be touted as offensive obstructions to those glorifying in authoritarian power.” Whew! Love that.

I read all the letters to the editors–as well you should have to support your opinion. IMHO, the worst letters were of course from BuBu’s or BuBu Wannabe’s:

Mr. Baklman Talkman Overdrive – Who was for the recall before the Mrs. decide it would advance her political ambitions if she performed a flip-flop move.

Dennis Slattery – Circle the wagons mentality to protect BuBu’s no matter how destructive or unethical their behavior.

Steph Seffinger – Who plays the feminist card in singing the praises of the APRC BuBu’s — yet doesn’t know the difference between the #MeToo and #TimesUp  movements. Ouch.

Rick Landt – “Senior Program overhaul was necessary…” No, it wasn’t.

John Stromberg – So awful it gave me conniption fits. I’ve expressed my disgust at his fear mongering, haughty tone, and condescending attitude in previous posts. No need to repeat. However, let me add:

The recall was not (and is not) a “death sentence” to electoral politics as Mayor BuBu stated. Nor would there have been a “chilling effect” if the recall were approved. The only chilling effect in Ashland is by the mayor himself. As a retirement gift, the Ashlandia Gazette would like to present the Mayor with a step ladder so he can get down off his high-horse. Can we call Uber for you, Mayor BuBu, so you can make a quick get-away out of town?

Rebuttal to your last paragraph: Yes, we were heard. And the majority voted NO on the recall. Could it be our society favors the welfare of men over women? Could it be the sales pitch by the door-to-door canvassers wasn’t exactly accurate? Nevertheless, it is not the end of the issue.

How many times did women’s right to vote get rejected before it was passed?

How many times was gay marriage rejected before it was passed?

How many times were recreational marijuana/property rights for women/abortion rights, etc. etc. rejected before they were passed?

Times change. People change. A NO today could be a YES tomorrow.

That’s the plan!


Toni Buckley Dockter — using my real name — unlike you, Gary Nelson, or whoever you are…


Weather forecast: Continued Twitter Storm for the foreseeable future.

BuBu’s (Bumbling Bureaucrats) could have had a V-8. Instead they swallow a 34-point plan of ad hoc hemlock sure to choke people skills/compassion/trust building necessary to revive a demolished Senior Center.

Bet they feel like dumbbells?

Nope. Business as usual.








Disney announces new annimated movie: “Barnyard Brigade” based on BuBu’s (Bumbling Bureaucrats) from Ashland, Oregon. Movie soundtrack song: “Bull, sheep, pig and hen; welcome to our playpen; exclusively for men.”

Unfortunately no parts for self-respecting women.









Dear Ashland Oregon City Council,

How to pick your new member:

Ask if he/she was FOR the recall of the APRC guys.

Ask if he/she had a meeting at his/her house to discuss starting recall.

Ask if he/she then saw an opportunity to be a commissioner, councilperson, or mayor and jumped on the NO on recall train.

Then watch your back.


Caged Bird Society offers Congratulations to Balkman Squawkman Overdrive (member of the parrot family) for appointment as newest member of Ashland’s City Council of BuBu’s (ostrich family). Losing candidate told he did not stick his head in the sand enough.

Fun Fact: Turn Overdrive over and watch her coat turn from blue to red.









Mayor BuBu’s dishonest letter about the recall causes chilling effect in Ashland. But it works to his advantage. He gets new job as Frosty the SnowJob Man. Makes fortune being hired by party planners to stand next to the ice sculptures on buffet tables so they don’t melt.


Ashland Oregon’s City Hall unveils ideal woman: Must spout BuBuism mindlessly. Or shut up. Women who speak up for themselves or others are labeled as a “trouble-maker” or “rabble-rouser.” (Editorial comment: So?) BuBu’s unaware what country we live in. And the year.









Thanks for reading…