Help From On High: Hera Descends from the Heavens onto Ashland Oregon

Greek Goddess Hera–ruler of the heavens–and number two deity on Mt. Olympus (with number one being on an old white guy with a lighting bolt problem) makes a rare appearance on mortal ground: Ashland, Oregon. The reason: A nasty email sent by an Ashland City Councilman that accuses an Ashland citizen of invoking a racial slur. Hera is sick to death of idiot old-thinking buffoonish white guys (kinda like her husband Zeus) who think they are more powerful than they are. Here’s her response to yet another mess in Ashland, Oregon. …Read more »

Race Baiting in Ashland Oregon: Get Your Crackers and Your Accusations Correct — Or Better Call Saul

Councilman Rich Rosenthal from Ashland Oregon uses race-baiting tactics to criticize an issue of the Outlandia Gazette. He fails to present a cogent argument to his claims of a “racial slur.” He fails to understand the concept of satire. He fails to obey copyright infringement laws. He does, however, succeed at being an outdated, inept politician. …Read more »

Dumber than Idiotic Government Encountered at Ashland Oregon City Hall

Currently on display across America is the corruption of political institutions–from the White House on down–to the Senate to the Justice Department to States to police departments, etc. A good example is in Ashland, Oregon. Less than two months ago Ashland’s citizens voted two to one for a bond measure to change the power structure of City Hall–away from the mayor and given to a city manager. Implicit in the bond was the opportunity to conduct a far-reaching executive search to be able to hire the best professional from outside the City and not someone beholden to the overly cronyistic administration of Mayor John Stromberg. In a blatant “thumb your nose” (or perhaps a digit in the middle of the hand was used?) at the electorate, the Ashland City Council is poised to give this coveted (and highest-paid position) to a member of the old-thinking good ol’ boys club that has plagued the integrity and economic stability of this City for years. …Read more »

Ashland, Oregon: Where Certain Turkeys Don’t Deserve a Pardon

Thanksgiving is a time to express gratitude. But when your hometown is over-run with corrupt “turkeys,” they don’t deserve a place at the table. They don’t deserve a reprieve. They deserve to be thrown out or run out of town. Here’s a story how to accomplish this all-American goal–so important now more than ever–cleaning up government to make life better for all. (Note: Our cartoonist, M.C. Escher Jr., commented that drawing turkeys with no backbone was difficult. But we think he did a great job. See for yourself…) …Read more »

Upcoming Feature Film: From Host Town to Ghost Town – The unfortunate demise of Ashland, Oregon

We at the Outlandia Gazette have been told again and again by citizens that all small towns have problems with city government–that Ashland, Oregon is no different–and there’s nothing you can do about it. We call that small-minded thinking. We think bigger than that. We have identified the problems and solutions. We feel if enough citizens are informed of the self-serving, unintelligent, and harmful actions/mindsets of elected officials and city employees, then change can begin to happen–if enough Ashlanders care enough to instigate change. That’s what our newspaper’s purpose is. To shed light on the entire picture. To let the will of the people decide what kind of town they wish to live in–not a privileged few who dominate the scene. Ashland cannot sustain its present course of viability–either financially or morally. The time to do something is now. …Read more »

Ignominious Incognito Inaugural Ball – Ashland City Hall Cronies Celebrate Midterm Elections

In Ashland, Oregon our intrepid reporter covered the midterm election party at the Baloney Bar and Grill–a private gala masquerade ball sponsored by City Hall. BuBu’s (Bumbling Bureaucrats) couldn’t suppress their glee over the re-election of some of their ilk. Nor could they repress their true identities. Our reporter uncovered the real peeps behind the elaborate disguises; their real views about city politics; their real plans for Ashland’s future. Following is her report. …Read more »