New Play about the Earl of Oxford: “To Be or Not to Be Enlightened”

The authenticity of the man named William Shakespeare of Stratford-upon-Avon being in fact the person who wrote the Shakespeare canon has been in doubt for hundreds of years. A viable alternative is Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford. For one thing, his biography matches the plots of plays and his level of education regarding subjects written about far surpasses the other guy’s. People who believe the theory that de Vere is Shakespeare are called Oxfordians. People who believe the antiquated notion about the Stratford grain seller are called Stratfordians. It’s kinda like the Hatfields vs the McCoys. Only more intellectual. And no guns. (At least not literally.) There are plenty of groups and organizations that support both camps. We at the Gazette are enthusiastically Oxfordian. Unraveling the veracity about the authorship is important if you value Truth–which is in short supply these days. It’s important to us because not only do we value Truth, we also value the written word. Sometimes it’s fun to be aligned with this mission in life. Other times not. Hence the need for this article. Read on, and remember: “The play’s the thing.” No matter who wrote it. …Read more »