Epic Ugliness in Ashland, Oregon: How Ugliness is Bad for Business

The Insurrection on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 was an attack on democracy. The same type of coup was attempted on June 29, 2021 in Ashland, Oregon. Four councilpersons conspired to thwart the will of the voters. An illegal motion was passed to allow two councilors to read defamatory testimonies to vilify the new administration. This display of anarchy was as ugly in Ashland as it was in Washington, D.C. (only without the violence!) …Read more »

Censorship in Ashland Oregon: Wins Praise from the Putin “You Go Bro” Club

Ashland Oregon has a censorship problem. First the Outlandia Gazette was censored by the Ashland Library. Now a City Hall crony advocates censoring our voice of satire because he doesn’t like it. He thinks it “has no place in this town.” Possibly one of the stupidest sentences we have ever heard and we have been at this copy desk a long time. Here is our response to trashing the First Amendment. And yet another example of the punitive patriarchal mindset polarizing this town. …Read more »

Ashland Oregon Councilman Stephen Jensen Honored by Cognitive Himpairment Society

If you asked the average person where the most cognitively himpaired males could be found, the answer might be Washington, D.C. Or Florida. Or Texas. Or Hollywood. All of those responses would be incorrect. Recently-published research has revealed that per square foot, the greatest concentration of addle-brained males is in fact in Ashland, Oregon. Here’s confirmation of that scientific finding. …Read more »