Upcoming Feature Film: From Host Town to Ghost Town – The unfortunate demise of Ashland, Oregon

We at the Outlandia Gazette have been told again and again by citizens that all small towns have problems with city government–that Ashland, Oregon is no different–and there’s nothing you can do about it. We call that small-minded thinking. We think bigger than that. We have identified the problems and solutions. We feel if enough citizens are informed of the self-serving, unintelligent, and harmful actions/mindsets of elected officials and city employees, then change can begin to happen–if enough Ashlanders care enough to instigate change. That’s what our newspaper’s purpose is. To shed light on the entire picture. To let the will of the people decide what kind of town they wish to live in–not a privileged few who dominate the scene. Ashland cannot sustain its present course of viability–either financially or morally. The time to do something is now. …Read more »