This post is dedicated to Georgene Lockwood, writer and jewelry maker from Northern Arizona. Check out her fabulous blogsite at I love her tag line: “Romancing the Everyday” and her philosophy of “seeing the world through a vintage lens.” These photos are for her—and you like-minded vintage fans. “Let’s “celebrate the lovely!”
I collect vintage bracelets, watches, and lockets:

This style is called “Repousse,” a raised metalworking technique. So beautiful…

I collect vintage dress clips. Here are a few.

The reason the above pieces are dress clips and NOT brooches has to do with the “appliance” that is attached top the back. These do not have the pin clasp, but instead a pronged-latch type of attachment. Will have to get photos of those…
I also collect vintage stickpins:

I also collect vintage chatelaines:

I also collect hair ornaments from the Victorian and Art Nouveau era. (I’m not an Art Deco fan — too linear for me.)

The photo one below is one of my favorite pieces. It’s supposed to stand up straight and be inserted into a bun on the top of your head — and jiggle as you move.. It is really heavy. I’m guessing the Victorian ladies had to walk carefully to carry around all the hardware on their heads!

I also collect Victorian writing instruments:

I also have a huge collection of vintage shoe clips — art nouveau style and many with rhinestones. You can tell the difference between a dress clip, fur clip, and shoe clip by the type of attachment on the back. Again, will have to photograph the back of the different type of clips so you can see…

Lastly, my best collection (besides vintage hats and wiggle dresses!) is a line of vintage costume jewelry called Juliana. I stopped counting the pieces…

Juliana is so spectacular–and even more popular today than its heyday in the 1950s through 60s. It’s very much in demand by collectors. I do plan to devote a blog series to this exquisite jewelry. Joan Holloway Harris, one of the characters on the TV show Mad Men, wears Juliana. She’s the one in the middle:

I have that necklace — very cool!
Juliana olivine watermelon rhinestone necklace called a “demi-parure” (necklace, brooch, earrings). If I had the matching bracelet that would be a “grand parure.” Juliana treasures are grand indeed.
(More photos to follow…one of these days…)
Help me! I’m drowning in drool!!!! I just started reading about Juliana. I love Miriam Haskell, too. In fact, I’ll be doing a post on my first piece sometime soon. Boy, we really are soul sisters. And you know, you’re not that far away. If you’re ever in Prescott, sister, you know who to call!