What Fresh Hell Is This? More blatherings from over-the-hill politicians in Ashland, Oregon.

There are two measures on the ballot to be voted upon by the residents of Ashland, Oregon. Measure 15-189 involves switching the city government from a Mayor/City Administor structure to City Manager/Mayor. We on the editorial staff have been acquainted with only two mayors–both of which did not earn our respect for quality governing. Therefore, we recommend a YES vote to make this change to make Ashland a better city. And which hopefully will deflate the egos and influence of these two mayors. Measure 15-193 is about taxing the already financially-strapped citizenry to pay for a remodel of the City Hall building. This should be a time for civic austerity. Not a chance to construct fancy digs for city hall employees when businesses are failing and no one is helping them. Not a chance for self-serving politicians to get to brag, “Look what I got built!” Not a chance for public servants to serve themselves instead of who they are handsomely paid to serve. Therefore we recommend a resounding NO on this vanity project. …Read more »