Ashland Oregon Political Scene Needs a Vakay

To anyone who denies climate change, all you have to do is spend some time in this quaint town. What used to have tolerable seasons of political discourse, has now morphed into a climate of vitriol, animosity, and swiping lawn signs from each others’ yards. Not unlike the rest of America, here’s the lowdown and showdown of a particularly sweaty, uncomfortable summer. …Read more »

Epic Ugliness in Ashland, Oregon: How Ugliness is Bad for Business

The Insurrection on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 was an attack on democracy. The same type of coup was attempted on June 29, 2021 in Ashland, Oregon. Four councilpersons conspired to thwart the will of the voters. An illegal motion was passed to allow two councilors to read defamatory testimonies to vilify the new administration. This display of anarchy was as ugly in Ashland as it was in Washington, D.C. (only without the violence!) …Read more »

Setting the Record Straight in Ashland Oregon: The Fence Speaks Out

The continuing troubles in Ashland, Oregon and the troubling minds that run City Hall and two-thirds of City Council are illustrated by the objections to a popular anti-racism fence.
[The publisher would also like to thank the founders of the Black Lives Matter Movement: Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi.] …Read more »

Future Revealed to Ashland Oregon Politicians: Not a pretty sight. Or site.

Gustav the Ghost of New Year’s Future returns to the Ashland Oregon party to continue with his futuristic learning adventures. He grabs another BuBu (bumbling bureaucrat) to view how disastrous the BuBu’s unexamined life could very well become. Can an old-thinking white guy change his headed-to-hell ways? Only Gustav knows for sure. But the not-pretty picture presented in this Gazette story is why the BuBu should want to. Like his future depends on it. …Read more »

Maskless Ball in Ashland Oregon Unmasks Government Misconduct

It was mischief galore at the New Year’s Eve celebration of Ashland Oregon’s City Hall. Food and booze were plentiful. Mask-wearing was not. After the party the Oregon Department of Health and Common Sense ordered a haz-mat team to decontaminate the venue. They found the most germs, misbehavior, and bumbling bureaucrats (BuBu’s) per square foot than any other city in Oregon. The Outlandia Gazette reports on their misdeeds: Why the BuBu’s have chosen to operate without regard to the town’s well-being. …Read more »

Pope Francis Delivers Sermon to Ashland Oregon City Hall Sinners

In Ashland Oregon the political scene is so divisive and corrosive that if a citizen has a difference of opinion contrary to the status-quo mindset of 5 of the 6 council people, that elected body will consider censure and censorship to shut out the expression of opposing views. Some call that authoritarianism. Some call it a dictatorship. Some call it autocracy. Some call it the opposite of a democracy of the people, for the people, by the people. The Pope calls it a sinful nature. We at the Outlandia Gazette call it a Kakistocracy: Government by the least-qualified or most unprincipled citizens. Maybe the Pope can lend a hand… …Read more »

Censorship in Ashland Oregon: Wins Praise from the Putin “You Go Bro” Club

Ashland Oregon has a censorship problem. First the Outlandia Gazette was censored by the Ashland Library. Now a City Hall crony advocates censoring our voice of satire because he doesn’t like it. He thinks it “has no place in this town.” Possibly one of the stupidest sentences we have ever heard and we have been at this copy desk a long time. Here is our response to trashing the First Amendment. And yet another example of the punitive patriarchal mindset polarizing this town. …Read more »

Character: A Deciding Factor to Endorse a Candidate

The French have a saying: A chacun son gout. Literal translation: “To each his own.” Idiomatic translation: “There’s no accounting for taste.” This is especially true in the political arena, like in Ashland, Oregon. To paraphrase MLK, Jr., people should be judged on the content of their character. We agree. We also think we have great taste when it comes to serving up a tasty spoof of the bumbling political scene in this town. …Read more »

Team of Detectives Cracks the Case: PostcardGate in Ashland Oregon

Nastiness. Corruption. Pettiness. Not new in Ashland Oregon City Hall politics. However, the divisiveness in this election cycle has fallen to new depths. So much disinformation being spewed on-line and in The Tidings newspaper, it is hard to tell fact from fiction. One person’s “radicalization” is another person’s “no more status quo.” Here is our input about the Shaun-Sham bogus political postcard. Decide for yourselves who is responsible for this written hatchet job. …Read more »